
To be able to offer excellent customer service we need to think through the experience from the customer’s perspective. From the moment a customer arrives on site, to the moment they leave us, there are multiple occasions where they might ask for our help.

There are times when customers are happy to use technology to find out information, but there are times when we all need that human touch.

This is often when a customer finds themself in a stressful situation or when something isn’t going to plan. It could be they are attending an important meeting, coming for a job interview, working late to meet a tight deadline, or they need a tablet for a headache or have run out of power on their phone.

When we are stressed our ability to think straight is hampered. Excellent customer service is about pre emptying the customer’s request at these times so if they ask for your help, you are ready and able to:

  • Personalise – ensure our customers feel valued
  • Integrity – Do what you say you will do
  • Expectations – Keep our customer informed
  • Resolution – Solve our customers’ problems
  • Empathy – Ensure our customers feel understood
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What are the sorts of questions our customers are likely to ask? What is there around your building, estate or local area? Building up the team’s knowledge is one way we can support our customers when they have a question or need our help. Sharing what we know can really build positive connections with our customers and turn a possibly bad experience into something memorable for all the right reasons.

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