
Our customers’ expectations are continually growing and changing. What we experience in our daily lives changes our views and shapes the way we expect to be able to do things, and our customers are no different.

Employee needs are also changing; this means that our clients are more and more interested in being attractive to potential employees. This means employers are looking for better ways to encourage colleagues to stay with them and are investing more time and effort in making their buildings happier and healthier places to be in. Climate change, refuse (especially plastics) and carbon emissions are all impacting both the environment and our health which means there is more interest and focus now on building waste and energy efficiencies.

How buildings are used is changing too, with a greater demand for locations that provide shops, housing and offices all in one place, with good travel options and better facilities on site e.g. showers, cycle storage etc.

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This exercise will get the team to think about their own experiences as a customer and how their habits and expectations have changed. Together you will explore what has prompted these changes. How do these changes affect our working environment and industry? More importantly what is changing for our customers and how do we need to adapt? Acknowledge that change can be unsettling, and we need to be sensitive to this and others, and if you have time, explore together what happens if a company or industry doesn’t change or adapt.

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