
By knowing who you are and that everyone has different strengths you can become a stronger team. Everyone has something to offer and everyone also has their own preferred style and limitations.

Your personality has a big influence on how you like to work and who you naturally find easy to understand and work with, and who you don’t. There is no right or wrong style… it is who you are.

There are four different personality styles. While we all have traits in each, we typically have one that is most dominate. This is your own personality type, and it influences how you make decisions, deal with challenges, relate to people and what brings out the best in you.

The four different personality types are: the Panther, the Peacock, the Dolphin, and the Owl. This module is about understanding who is like which personality type and how they like to work in the team.

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Everyone will complete the exercise sheet on their own. Make it clear that there are no right or wrong answers… you are who you are. Once completed, the team will group in their personality types and review their traits, how they interact with others, both team members and customers and finally, how they can adapt their approach to serve others better.

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